Anima Alternative 2

At the start of 2023 Anima Alternative launched its second fund, Anima Alternative 2. The fund attracted over €120 million at its first closing, and the figure has since increased to around €180 million.

It is a closed-end direct lending fund governed by Italian law, complies with Article 8 of the SFDR, and is reserved for professional investors investing primarily in senior debt instruments.

A diversified approach

The investment policy adopted by Anima Alternative 2 is based on building a highly diversified portfolio by making a high number of investments during the investment and reinvestment period.

The fund targets both Italian and European companies (within the Eurozone) that classify as SMEs, small-mid caps (up to 500 employees) and mid-caps (up to 3,000 employees).

Credit quality is evaluated through a rigorous selection and analysis process and considering the credit rating assigned to each investment.

Focus on ESG

Anima Alternative 2 qualifies as a fund under Article 8 of the SFDR and is committed to investing in companies that have a positive approach to ESG, excluding any companies belonging to unethical sectors or with a high environmental impact.

Sustainability-related disclosures

To consult further documentation, please refer to the section Sustainability

Anima Alternative 2 benefits from the support of the European Union through the programme InvestEU